Thursday, September 21, 2017

Message for Fall !

Start of a brand new season!  Here is a message for this beautiful season when the leaves are falling, changing colors, the weather is changing too and the season is welcoming everything with open arms.  It is just so amazing.  Wow!

The season of Fall makes me fall in love with nature all over and inspires me to rise.......rise in spirit and rise in good deeds.

It brings a lot of message and good tidings. While the leaves are falling, all shapes and sizes, all hues and fragrances, they are making place for new leaves ready to sprout.  

The message is clear and vibrant.  Let us be ready to make some good changes in life.  Let go of old grudges, negative feelings and welcome new and fresh ideas.  Let this FALL makes us RISE. Rise in our thoughts, our feelings and rise in our own eyes.  

Rise and fall is the order of the day, the order of life itself  but let our purpose be good and solid.  Something that makes us move forward, not remain stagnant or reverse.  

Fall is here, leaves are everywhere, let us turn on a new leaf........a better one of course!

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