Saturday, September 16, 2017

Social media promotes good deed. Part I

Good deeds are on the rise and reaching new heights and magnitude. There is no limit to it, not even the sky.  It is scraping right through the clouds and merging and disappearing onto the  horizon.  "All because of SOCIAL MEDIA."

Just imagine, what a fine job social media is doing.  It is inspiring,  promoting, motivating, encouraging good deeds like nothing ever did.  No personality, no book, no movie could do this important job of boosting humanity, kindness, charitable  work, the way social media can do.  

Social media advertises what is about to happen,  shows it live when it is happening and keeps applauding  after it has happened.   How spectacular!    

Social media displays our good deeds, kind heart and generosity, so much so that we can't wait to do something more. What an amazing role of social media !

Every day we have new plans of being good, very good and extra good so that we can be caught doing good.  Fantastic!

Good deedsand social media are so inter-linked.  If not because of social media,  good deeds would be rare and microscopic. 



  1. Thanks to the social media and sister Zeba!!!for highlighting the good deeds and encouraging the people.
