Sunday, October 1, 2017

Social Media promotes Good Deeds. Part III

Social media plays a vital role in Reconnecting & Recollecting !

As we travel in life, we lose relations,  we lose contacts and we lose track of our past.  Social media helps restore it all.  Amazing!  Right?

Yes, very true.   Just too true to believe.  While we had thought that we would never meet our childhood friends, our relatives, neighbors, colleagues ever again,  along came Social Media and locked us together into old ties and kinship.  How awesome!  Wait, it gets better..........

Social media not only brings us together, it ALSO puts together shreds of our memories, bygone days, our celebrations and makes us celebrities.  Wow!  

Social Media.  You have done it all.  So much so, that it has become a swift journey down memory lane to dig out the lost and forgotten "good old days and bad days too."  But it doesn't seem bad now, as we recollect and cherish them.

Social Media.  We owe you a lot.   You have help put pieces together and give new dimension to our life.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes,social media acts like a bridge ,connecting us to our past,present,relatives and acquaintances far away from us. Thanks sister Zeba for making us aware how social media has helped us.
