Thursday, October 12, 2017

Unspoken Words speaks for you!

Unspoken words are words that have been buried, not voiced, hidden, undiscovered,  undisclosed,  forgotten and lost.  Valuable and golden words that never found their way out, feelings that were never vented nor expressed.

"Unspoken Words", is an effort to help bring out the best and eliminate the rest.  It is a tireless  attempt to bring joy, to add to the existing joy and keep the boat of joy sailing forever. 

Through this blog we want to share unspoken  pain, feelings, thoughts, views and opinions. 

Above all, we want you to know and understand that you are NOT alone.  Whatever you may be undergoing,  there are many others facing the same obstacles and difficulties.  Let us reach out and together we can find our way out of ANY and EVERY  rough and tough situation and condition.   

Yes we can do it. Let us be each other's voice, each other's strength  and each others companion.  

Unspoken words understand and shares your unspoken pain and strives to bring you unspoken happiness.  What is today UNSPOKEN, will one day be heard........LOUD AND CLEAR.

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