Monday, October 2, 2017

22222 - Too many Twos!

Yes too many Twos !!

 It's all Twos, all - the -way.  To be exact, it is 22,222.  That is how many are my views to this point.  Wow!  I am amazed at you....... for making so many Twos.  It's you, who gave me so many twos by reading my blog posts.

With every view, every comment, every shared  posts I gained new confidence, new strength, and a new urge to write and aim for new heights.

If not because of U,  there wouldn't be so many twos.  Thanks for getting me there, from NOWHERE to SOMEWHERE , from a scratch to new heights.

I have learnt to share, I have learnt to care because of YOU, who set my mind to gear.  All because of you, I could dare, dare to voice my opinions, my thoughts and my unspoken words.

You did it!  You put the twos together for me and made it 22222.

Cheers to YOU!


  1. Congrats !! for your blogs being so successful.May Allah bless you and grant you with more success.Ameen.

  2. Thank you very much for your support.
