Thursday, October 19, 2017

Freedom & Responsibility !

Earlier I had written a blog on, "Rights overshadows Duties".  

Similarly  this blog is on Freedom and Responsibilities.   Just like Rights and Duties have a strong connection, freedom and responsibilities  come together.  They coexist. They are hooked.

Freedom does not mean being savage and doing whatever we feel like.  With freedom comes the price tag of responsibility, also known as accountability. 

While we enjoy the freedom of expression,  action, happiness  etc. we are also tied down with limits, boundaries and consequences.   Freedom does not mean sheer enjoyment.  There is a lot more to it.  While freedom gives us more choices, it takes away from us the right to blame others.  We are not slaves anymore that we can just put the blame on our masters.

When we have the privilege to take, we should subsequently learn to give.  While we attain freedom, we cannot hold anyone hostage.  The real freedom lies in giving the same freedom to others.

In slavery there is actually no slave or master.  It is just slavery.  Both tie down each other.  One cannot supervise or dictate without any stress.  

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