Thursday, October 19, 2017

Freedom & Responsibility !

Earlier I had written a blog on, "Rights overshadows Duties".  

Similarly  this blog is on Freedom and Responsibilities.   Just like Rights and Duties have a strong connection, freedom and responsibilities  come together.  They coexist. They are hooked.

Freedom does not mean being savage and doing whatever we feel like.  With freedom comes the price tag of responsibility, also known as accountability. 

While we enjoy the freedom of expression,  action, happiness  etc. we are also tied down with limits, boundaries and consequences.   Freedom does not mean sheer enjoyment.  There is a lot more to it.  While freedom gives us more choices, it takes away from us the right to blame others.  We are not slaves anymore that we can just put the blame on our masters.

When we have the privilege to take, we should subsequently learn to give.  While we attain freedom, we cannot hold anyone hostage.  The real freedom lies in giving the same freedom to others.

In slavery there is actually no slave or master.  It is just slavery.  Both tie down each other.  One cannot supervise or dictate without any stress.  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Unspoken Words speaks for you!

Unspoken words are words that have been buried, not voiced, hidden, undiscovered,  undisclosed,  forgotten and lost.  Valuable and golden words that never found their way out, feelings that were never vented nor expressed.

"Unspoken Words", is an effort to help bring out the best and eliminate the rest.  It is a tireless  attempt to bring joy, to add to the existing joy and keep the boat of joy sailing forever. 

Through this blog we want to share unspoken  pain, feelings, thoughts, views and opinions. 

Above all, we want you to know and understand that you are NOT alone.  Whatever you may be undergoing,  there are many others facing the same obstacles and difficulties.  Let us reach out and together we can find our way out of ANY and EVERY  rough and tough situation and condition.   

Yes we can do it. Let us be each other's voice, each other's strength  and each others companion.  

Unspoken words understand and shares your unspoken pain and strives to bring you unspoken happiness.  What is today UNSPOKEN, will one day be heard........LOUD AND CLEAR.

Diamond in the Rust

While everyone, everywhere is getting  intoxicated by technology,  there are yet kids who are giving preference to "ART."  Amazing!  Right? 

Yes, it is not only amazing, it is motivating.  It  sparks hope amidst ashes.  

While today's world is dominated by technology, it is a joy to see kids reaching out for art and creativity.  They are keeping up the flag of aesthitic value.

Art is a mean of beauty, pureness, individuality, uniqueness, and a measure of inner expression.  All these infinite talents gets submerged in technology  where all personal identity gets mixed up and drowned into stereotypes. No matter what, art and creativity stand out like stars....... in a very dark night.

Let us help keep up the dwindling value of art and creativity that brings joy and lifts our gift of talent.


While technology is a mode to advance and retrieve  information , art should not be discarded and forgotten.   

Art is the only form of reaching out which gives a very personal touch and speaks a language that technology is yet to discover.

P.S. Real works of art by a seven year old girl.
       This displays her love for beauty and joy 
       for creativity.          

Monday, October 2, 2017

22222 - Too many Twos!

Yes too many Twos !!

 It's all Twos, all - the -way.  To be exact, it is 22,222.  That is how many are my views to this point.  Wow!  I am amazed at you....... for making so many Twos.  It's you, who gave me so many twos by reading my blog posts.

With every view, every comment, every shared  posts I gained new confidence, new strength, and a new urge to write and aim for new heights.

If not because of U,  there wouldn't be so many twos.  Thanks for getting me there, from NOWHERE to SOMEWHERE , from a scratch to new heights.

I have learnt to share, I have learnt to care because of YOU, who set my mind to gear.  All because of you, I could dare, dare to voice my opinions, my thoughts and my unspoken words.

You did it!  You put the twos together for me and made it 22222.

Cheers to YOU!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Social Media promotes Good Deeds. Part III

Social media plays a vital role in Reconnecting & Recollecting !

As we travel in life, we lose relations,  we lose contacts and we lose track of our past.  Social media helps restore it all.  Amazing!  Right?

Yes, very true.   Just too true to believe.  While we had thought that we would never meet our childhood friends, our relatives, neighbors, colleagues ever again,  along came Social Media and locked us together into old ties and kinship.  How awesome!  Wait, it gets better..........

Social media not only brings us together, it ALSO puts together shreds of our memories, bygone days, our celebrations and makes us celebrities.  Wow!  

Social Media.  You have done it all.  So much so, that it has become a swift journey down memory lane to dig out the lost and forgotten "good old days and bad days too."  But it doesn't seem bad now, as we recollect and cherish them.

Social Media.  We owe you a lot.   You have help put pieces together and give new dimension to our life.