Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Coming up SOON........BlogCEMBER !

Soon we will be transitioning to BlogCEMBER from blogVEMBER.  Yes BlogCEMBER, that is dedicated to the month of December.   The only difference being, from V to C.  In blogVEMBER we Visualized.  In BlogCEMBER, we will be Celebrating.  We visualized 2017 and now we are about to celebrate the upcoming year 2018.  

BlogCEMBER is going to be about how to prepare for the forthcoming year and how to make it REMARKABLE.  

There will be four sections of blogCEMBER starting from December 06.  

Stay tuned.  Stay focused....... while we gradually approach the threshold of a brand new year, with great hope, zeal and enthusiasm.   

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 5

Here comes the last piece of BlogVEMBER.                        Something to Remember.  
               Yes it has been so much joy 
           to share the month of November. 

We are about to bid goodbye to November and soon we will be at the end of the year.   How about making this year EXTRA special by making someone's dream come true and making it special for them too.  

What may be small and ordinary for us, may be something great for someone.  With our little effort or a small sacrifice, we can bring immense joy to someone who is drowning in deep despair.  By going just an extra mile, we can rekindle hope for someone.  

Yes, there are so many ways and means to make so many dreams come true.  If only.....we make a little attempt.   The little we can do can mean a lot to someone.

So......let's do it.  This is the finest finale we can give to this parting year.  Make 2017 memorable with a great contribution  by making it great for each other.  

This is the end of blogVEMBER.  
December will bring blog..........? (TBA).

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 4

Appreciation  Drive :

This is the fourth week of BlogVEMBER......oops November 2017.  This week's theme is "appreciation. "  I have a very special reason for dedicating this week to appreciation.   

The year is running out and so is time.  Not everyone in the race will remain long in the race.  We do not know who has how much chances of carrying on.  Hence let us appreciate each other while they are still "around."

In the journey of the last almost 11 months, let us take out a fraction of the time to thank each and every one who has shown kindness to us in someway or the other, no matter how small it may seem. 

Now that we have ample ways and means to express our gratitude, be it social media,  text, phone calls, or if possible even a visit.  Let's do it.  

"THANK YOU, "  Two words say it all.  They mean a lot.  Let us not leave them unsaid.   

Stay tuned for the LAST BlogVEMBER on November 29.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 3

Keeping promises :

My BlogVEMBER continues and this is Part III for today starts the third week of November.   The first two parts were :

It's November 2017

If you have not read the first two parts, this blog may not make  much sense to you.   Don't get me wrong.  I am not tricking you to read my blogs.  Seriously! 

So far we talked about doing wonderful things in the month of November like making the year worthwhile and memorable, patching up and letting go of grudges.  The theme of this blog listen  carefully.  I do not mean to make you blush and feel guilty.  I am just suggesting.  All I want to talk about is fulfilling your promises.  All kinds of promises made to all kinds of people.  Let us keep up these promises BEFORE the dusk of 2017.  Let not the sun set on your unfulfilled promises, vows and commitments.

Make hay while the sun shines.  Keep your words while the sun of 2017 shines.  Be a person of integrity and learn not to be too hasty in making promises which may be hard to keep.  

Promises fulfilled are missions accomplished! 

Stay tuned for more BlogVEMBER posts on November 22 & 29.

Monday, November 6, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 2

So you are wondering what's "Blogvember?" Right!  Yes, this is dedicated to the month of November.   I decided to  name it after the month which has a great significance in so many ways, one of them being that this is the second last month of the year.

How is that important is your question now.  This month is an important reminder to us that the year is coming to an end and we still happen to have ample time to do something worthwhile, significant and memorable, to catch up with our agenda and dreams for 2017.

One of the most beautiful  way to add to this year's beauty is to patch up with someone, renew relationships, let go of old grudges, crush your ego that came on the way and damaged the it friendship or family ties.

What better way can there be to end the year than to build up and reconcile.  Think about it.  Time is short and we do not know (yet), how many of us will be able to make it to 2018.........

More Blogvember coming up...........!  Stay tuned and subscribe. 

(PART 1 : IT'S  NOVEMBER 2017).

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Complain & Blame

Just like the drowning man catches hold of a straw, the coward takes refuge in COMPLAINTS AND BLAME.  Yes!  That is their only hope and only way to justify their inability and uselessness.  

Blaming and complaining has no end other than disaster.  This is where it eventually leads.

When we take this direction,  we stand in the way of our own sunshine and block our success.   We turn the seasons of our life into dark and gloomy days just like the picture above depicts.

Why would we ever blame others for our actions, decisions and choices? If we happen to think that others have harmed us in some way or the other, it is their decision and they will face the consequences.  But what we are facing are the consequences of our own choices.  

We should learn to hold ourselves responsible for the musfortunes in our lives, just the way we hold ourselves responsible for the fortunes in our lives.  Courage, bravery and generosity  lies in taking credit AND blame.  This balances life like nothing else does.

When we have the urge to blame others and whine away, let us first blame ourselves for listening to them, taking favors from them and submitting to them.  It was all our own decision and weakness.  

No amount of complaining will ever help.  To get to the road to recovery the very first step is to take the blame and squish all complains.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Looking for something?

We are all looking for SOMETHING and land up saying there is nothing left now!  No sincerity, no loyalty, no truth, no respect, just about nothing.  It is all hollow, empty, bare etc.  

Very true!  There is nothing left and nothing much to talk about.  But, we often forget to look at the right place where we can find EVERYTHING that we are looking for.  Yes everything that we need, wish or desire.  Where that can be?

Did I get you curious or confused or maybe irritated?  I apologise if I did so.  I did not mean to.  All I wanted was to create a little suspense and have fun.  Ooops!  I know it's not funny  and I should come out with what I exactly want to say.  Right!

Okay that's alright.  I will not try your patience any longer.  So, my question was, "Looking for something? "  Here is the short and simple reply to what you were waiting for.  Anything that we are all looking for is WITHIN us.  In our grip and in our reach.  Its all within us forgotten,forlorn, abandoned, unused and we are looking for it "elsewhere?"

What we cannot find within us, we cannnot find it anywhere, be it LOVE, PEACE, SINCERITY, Joy etc.  These are generated within us and by us.  Why are we looking for it far and wide?  WHY?

Still looking for something?   Now you know where to find it.  

Look's right there.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It's November 2017.

We are on the threshold of welcoming another year and about to bid farewell to 2017.  Let us take a quick look at 2017 which is about to become HISTORY !

Like every other year, 2017 had its good and bad days, rainy and sunny days, tough and easy days.  It has been a learning experience, a period of opportunities, used and unused, and a passage of time.

Yet there will be so many days to cherish.  A whole year of additions and subtractions.  While some left us, others came in.  There were losses and gains.  

But what I really want to talk about that we are left with two WHOLE months, let us make the most of them.  It is not the question of how.  It is a matter of our own personal will.  A determination of not letting this year go by without having made some difference to ourselves and to others.  Let us set out on the road to achievement.  Let's just do it! 

Buckle up, shuffle our bones and muscles, ruffle our hair, stand our ground and call it a race.  Let us do all we can to make this year memorable.  

No one knows who has how much time!  Unfortunately!   But nothing to worry about.   Before this year comes to an end, let us stride with pride to achieve all we can.  We have the time!  Sixty one days to be a little nicer, a little kinder, a little more considerate, compromising, cooperative, constructive,  positive and optimistic.  Any and everything, to make this year end on a happy note.  

Improvement and means of improvement lie before us.  All we have to do is focus and reach for them.  Soon, 2017 will be a year worthwhile.  This is my request and reminder to all my viewers.  Make this year a little  nicer.