Wednesday, November 22, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 4

Appreciation  Drive :

This is the fourth week of BlogVEMBER......oops November 2017.  This week's theme is "appreciation. "  I have a very special reason for dedicating this week to appreciation.   

The year is running out and so is time.  Not everyone in the race will remain long in the race.  We do not know who has how much chances of carrying on.  Hence let us appreciate each other while they are still "around."

In the journey of the last almost 11 months, let us take out a fraction of the time to thank each and every one who has shown kindness to us in someway or the other, no matter how small it may seem. 

Now that we have ample ways and means to express our gratitude, be it social media,  text, phone calls, or if possible even a visit.  Let's do it.  

"THANK YOU, "  Two words say it all.  They mean a lot.  Let us not leave them unsaid.   

Stay tuned for the LAST BlogVEMBER on November 29.  

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