Friday, November 3, 2017

Looking for something?

We are all looking for SOMETHING and land up saying there is nothing left now!  No sincerity, no loyalty, no truth, no respect, just about nothing.  It is all hollow, empty, bare etc.  

Very true!  There is nothing left and nothing much to talk about.  But, we often forget to look at the right place where we can find EVERYTHING that we are looking for.  Yes everything that we need, wish or desire.  Where that can be?

Did I get you curious or confused or maybe irritated?  I apologise if I did so.  I did not mean to.  All I wanted was to create a little suspense and have fun.  Ooops!  I know it's not funny  and I should come out with what I exactly want to say.  Right!

Okay that's alright.  I will not try your patience any longer.  So, my question was, "Looking for something? "  Here is the short and simple reply to what you were waiting for.  Anything that we are all looking for is WITHIN us.  In our grip and in our reach.  Its all within us forgotten,forlorn, abandoned, unused and we are looking for it "elsewhere?"

What we cannot find within us, we cannnot find it anywhere, be it LOVE, PEACE, SINCERITY, Joy etc.  These are generated within us and by us.  Why are we looking for it far and wide?  WHY?

Still looking for something?   Now you know where to find it.  

Look's right there.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We look far because we can't find it within us.

  3. Very true my dear. But what we cannot find within us is not anywhere else. All emotions comes from inside and from our state of mind.

  4. The write up remind me of the general saying that "Charity they say begin at home" meaning that all happiness and joy whatever we always aspire for lies within us. The happiness we are unable to find within us can never be found elsewhere.

    1. Yes very true. Everything we desire is within our reach but we happen to look "elsewhere."
