Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dividing away................

We are dividing rapidly! Faster than we can count 1 2 3......!  That is how fast we are dividing and falling apart and often standing alone, lonely and miserable, just like this rare and unique butterfly in a world of its own.

We are dividing up based on faith, culture, nationality, race, color, academic qualifications,  economic level, physical appearances etc.  We are just looking for means to break up and classify.  There is little to nothing keeping us together and united.

All this ceaseless effort, stress, and time consuming drive only functions as a method of proving ourselves to be better and superior.  What are we going to achieve by this?  What are we going to attain by our  strive to rise in our own eyes?  Whom are we deceiving and harming, other than ourselves? 

In these attempts to prove ourselves to be better, we are breaking our relationships,  forgetting our friendships, abandoning our family ties, isolating ourselves from our communities...........which is leading us nowhere but to a miserable island inhabited by us and our ever growing ego.

The only REAL differences in existence are not our physical or acquired differences but the differences that exist within us.  What makes us different is good or bad, nice or mean and kind or cruel.  

This is our true identity.  This is how the world actually visualizes us.  We are not known by our certificates, bank balances, appearances, or by our admirers.  We are valued for our behavior and responses.  

But we have buried these values and emerged as individuals who sees themselves as superior beings who reject others to live dejected lives.

How much more are we going to divide?  Instead of looking for similarities,  we are constantly looking for differences to pull apart and fall apart?  By trying to be different, are we making any difference?   

If being together is celebration, why must we chose isolation?

1 comment:

  1. A moment of thought for everybody who can reason and relate very well
