Friday, August 12, 2016

Poverty is not a curse, nor empty purse. It is a purpose.

I happened to overhear a conversation today about how both the political parties in the upcoming election in  United States are ignoring the poor.  I mused and chuckled and said to myself,  "Who doesn't?"   Isn't that how it is supposed to be?  This gave me an idea for my blog.  Something that has been sitting on my chest and making me wheeze found its way out, finally.

I have often witnessed the sufferings of the poor and needy and somehow felt their pain.  I know what it is and how it hurts.

 Poverty means suffering and humiliation, and sadly nothing else. Today, poverty is looked upon as hideous, sinful, and shameful etc. 

The poor today are the ignored, isolated, despised and unwanted class, a category of individuals who are forgotten, invisible and treated somewhat inhumanly.  Hence, no one wants to be poor and thus resort to unfair means to get rich, to evade from being called "poor".

Poverty has been created to test prosperity and reward generosity.   Being poor is not an affliction but a privilege. They are the chosen ones who suffer so that others can be tested, and they are chosen as means of reward to others.  

Poverty gives a very special meaning to kindness.  Poverty has created humanity and humanitarianism.  Poverty brings happiness, for if not because of poverty, there would be no existence of words or feelings like caring and sharing.  

Besides, poverty also controls our behavior and tendencies. It has created fear.........fear of losing.  It disciplines us, warns us and reminds us of our limits.  It imposes a huge threat to pride.

Above all, poverty to me is a game of passing the pillow or musical chairs.  We never know who it may land on.  It goes from hand to hand and we all get a turn, sooner or later.  The question is, how we choose to handle it.

Poverty is not a punishment,  it is just a condition, and temporary setback.  It is a challenge which comes with multiple lessons, awareness of friends and foes, and realization of the pain of deprivation and joy of helping.

Poverty is a waiting time for great wisdom and road to humanitarianism  and eternal happiness.

Poverty is a choice, a very honest choice of the brave and the wise, who are not afraid to face and embrace reality.   They choose to be poor, rather than resort to unfair means to be rich.  They patiently wait for their share and turn of prosperity.  They know and understand that poverty and prosperity is meant for everyone and anyone.  They spare no one.   

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