Thursday, August 4, 2016

What the mind does not know, the eyes cannot see!

Yesterday, during a conversation with my brother, he happen to mention this phrase, "What the mind does not know, the eyes cannot see."  This at once struck me and put my mind into thinking mode.  I asked him to repeat it so that I can note it as a topic for my blog.

Another way to say this perhaps is,   "ignorance is bliss?"

This  phrase caused me to think of how ignorantly we are living.  How unaware we are of what is happening around us.  We live our lives based on what little to no knowledge we have and make no effort to venture o-u-t of our cocoon, whatsoever.

We take no risks, we are afraid to make mistakes, we limit ourselves to what we hear, we never verify or learn, we never remove our doubts, we never explore, we do not like changes, we do not like to learn anything new or increase our knowledge.  Hence what?  

We are in darkness, we are blind, we don't know better and we do not know right from wrong.  If we get criticized, condemned, corrected..........we take it the wrong way and get upset, offended and uprooted.  

Conclusion: People give up on us and we give up on them.  What we do not know we fail to see.  As simple as this.  

Who to blame?. No one, other than our very own minds where ignorance has built a nest and caused blindness.

Enlighten the mind so that the eyes can have better and clearer vision.  

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