Thursday, August 11, 2016

Helping is healing. It is a cure.

I was just so impressed with this quote that I had to save it for my blog.  I at once felt a connection with it because it was so me.  Someone,  somewhere knows my mind and shares my thoughts........

I had heard in my childhood a song whose lyrics say that if you are helpless, be of help to someone.  This had a very deep impact on me. I felt then, in those days of my tender age, that it was the best way to handle days of dark gloom.  

Today, after undergoing a lot of mixed experiences in life, I strongly feel that there is no better road to recovery than to walk someone and show them the way to recovery.  It makes one forget of one's own pain and there is just so much joy in wiping the sorrow from someone's face.

  "Praying for the healing of others", is like putting them first, when helping and healing take place simultaneously.   Helping is healing in so many ways.  When you help, all you are doing is giving away.  Giving away your time, your resources,  your effort, your love, services etc.  and incidentally you are also giving away something else.........your stress, anxiety, negativity, and depression, which had piled up and blocked your way to your own recovery.  

Helping while you heal and healing while you help, are the beautiful discoveries of recovery.  

Help, for in it lies the cure that is pure.  Sometimes helping is the 'only' cure.  
Try it!