Monday, August 1, 2016

This blog is about you!

You!  It is all about You!  You are the life of this blog. You nourish it, and you are growing it, supporting it, spreading it, sharing it, motivating it and so much more.

Had it not been because of "U" , the Unspoken Words would be incomplete, silent and buried forever.  

You give me the ideas, you provide me with the pictures, you share your writings with me,  you read the posts and share them on Google. You subscribe to this blog and share it on social media, you comment on it, and you inspire me to keep going.  Every time I think that maybe this is the last one, you bring me back to write one more.

I am loving it and doing  what I am doing because YOU are the reason. 

So.........."Thank You!"  Thanks to each and every one of you.    


  1. Thanks to you for giving us such interesting posts,new ideas and new lessons to learn.Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks to you for giving us such interesting posts,new ideas and new lessons to learn.Keep up the good work.

  3. Its always a v essential to thank n appreciate people who matters u a lot.
    Another excellent blog

  4. Its always a v essential to thank n appreciate people who matters u a lot.
    Another excellent blog
