Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Challenging Letter to Challenge

Dear Challenge, 

This letter is to challenge you. You have been showing up in all spheres of my life, all the time, and in various forms.  You terrify me, petrify me, confuse me, and scare me.  Meeting you can be very exhausting, depressing and complicated.  The more I try to overcome you, the more you emerge, donning new disguises.  

You know what?  I am not giving up.  Although you did succeed in overpowering me to some extent, and I almost gave up, I felt that this game of yours has got to stop.  I have been trying to run away from you, but wherever I tried to run to, you surfaced and confronted me.  I have been watching your movements and how you never leave cowards alone.  

Anyway, I have now decided to challenge you back.  Instead of running  away from you, I will face you.  I will stand taller than you and dwarf you till you back out or disappear.  You have no idea that by provoking me you have actually made me strong.  By fighting back, I became wiser, more confident and gained new experiences.  My battle with you was a learning process for me.  

Hence, I am not going to rest till I have learnt how to deal with you permanently.  You are stubborn and will keep interfering with my life, but I now have courage with me and courage and I will meet you together.  Ever since I came to know how you fear courage, I have embraced courage and have learnt to solve my problems.  

Today, I am strong enough to challenge you and will chase you instead of the other way around.

You may now show up any time, but you will never find me alone, weak or vulnerable.  I will be armed with latest brand and version of courage and strength.  While you are blunt and impose yourself on me, I will further equip myself with patience and wisdom and face you fair and square.

Actually I should thank you for making me  immune to you and your tricks.  Whenever and wherever you may show up, I will be so ready.

Yours sincerely,

Encl : A picture of thorns.  This is how I vision you as but I now know how to pull you out (of my life).