Saturday, July 23, 2016


My picture today represents Rights and Duties.  Which is which is not hard to guess. Of course, everyone knows.  By everyone I mean Tom, Dick and Harry.  While rights are standing tall, claimed, reserved, snatched, and fought for, duties lie forgotten, forlorn, ignored, cold, hungry, frustrated, short and dwarfed.

Today it is all about Rights.  I am right! It is my right, I want my right, Don't  I have a right? Where is my right?

But what about Duties?   Don't rights and duties work simultaneously?  
Ha ha, not anymore says "EVERYONE"
Duties seem so old fashioned,  orthodox and cumbersome.   We have no duties whatsoever.  We just exercise our rights, bundle up the duties and toss them into other's backyards. 

When it comes to duties, we are quick to say, "It is their duty", "your duty", "his duty" and "her duty",  while I am stripped of all duties and warmly covered with layers of rights.  Smart thinking Eh! Well it is the Era of smartphone, so we are all getting smart!

This is what the present scenario is.  We are all claiming rights while no one is conscious about their duties.  So absurd. But perhaps this is the new normal.

 As a blogger, I want to express my opinion : 

Duties and Rights are inseparable.  Why is it so difficult to understand this simple rule? What are rights for us, are someone else's duties and our duties are someone else's rights.  They do not make sense without each other.  Alone they are meaningless and baseless.  They support each other.  

How can you claim rights when you are not ready to give them?  Do I have the right to write about this saga?  Or is it just my duty to write blogposts, which I am more than happy to fulfill.

Rights and duties go hand in hand.  They complete each other. To put a peaceful end to our conflict between rights and duties, let us not ask for something when we are not ready to do our part.  Right?  Duties first!