Monday, July 11, 2016

Silence vs Words

Words are no match to silence.  A moment of silence can convey what a whole lot of words cannot.  No words can describe the value of silence.  Silence is golden while words are empty.

We are always short of words....we often run out of words, whereas silence is infinite.   Words lets us down but silence lifts us up.  Words are empty, silence is wholesome.   Words can be twisted or changed, but silence cannot be touched.  Words end but silence follows us to our grave .  Words are sweet, sour, nasty etc. Silence is always sweet and priceless.

Silence is deep whereas words are superficial.  Silence has an impact, words have no weight.  

I can go on and on to emphasize the difference between and the significance of silence over words.  But I would like to stop here and be silent for I am running out of words.  The rest of the explanation will be left unsaid.  Silence will take care of it.