Friday, July 22, 2016

We complain more, appreciate less!

I chose this picture to represent my blog because it shows a path with sunshine and shadows, the path of life where we block the sunshine with our own shadows of thought.

We are the cause of the shadows in our own path of sunshine.  We worry much more about the things we do not have and care little to nothing about what we do have, thereby, blocking our own progress and happiness. Can we ignore the beauty of our life and focus on the darkness?  Life cannot carry on like this.

We complain about the people who do not care for us and fail to appreciate the ones who do.

We care more for the people who do not greet us than for those who greet us
We care more for the people who forget us than for those who remember us
We care more for the people who do not respond to our posts on social media than for the ones who respond
We care more for the people who leave us than for the people who stay by us
We care more for the people who hurt us than the ones who love us

All along, the pattern shows that we care way more for the wrong people in our life than for the right people.  How is it their fault for making our lives miserable? Is it not we,  who choose to be miserable and keep blaming others??

For once, focus on the right things, the good stuff, the caring people and you will know the difference.  Life will automatically move towards the positive direction and that is where we are suppose to be.

Be grateful and contented with what you have rather than wish for the bad stuff you don't have.  

"What you have was meant to be yours, what you don't was never meant for you".