Saturday, July 30, 2016

Keep your hopes high, let it not die!

Here is a picture where amidst the shadows of despair, peeks the light of hope.  The Dawn of Hope.  A perfect picture to depict my thoughts and perspectives on hope.

Hope is one rope that we should always hold on to. Sometimes the rope of hope may bruise our hands, cause them to bleed or may almost seem to be slipping away from our hands. No matter what, hold tight to the rope of hope and let nothing diminish your courage and faith.  NO MATTER WHAT!!

Remember : 

It is hope that builds dark clouds of rain on hot summer days and hope rains on us.

It is hope that overturns our sickness into wellness.

It is hope that patches up our shattered relationships.

It is hope that brings us from the darkness of ignorance to illumination. 

It is hope that brings the scattered family together.

It is hope that gives us the chance to see  miracles. 

If we lose hope, we will lose everything. 

Let not despair settle on us and prevent us from seeing the Dawn of Hope.  Wait and watch, the night of darkness will go and morning will come with the message of fulfillment of hope.  

Photo: Courtesy - Uzair Hussain  (Uzibaba).


  1. Yes hope is the very essence of life

  2. Every thing in life have the tendency of betraying, yet only hope will never betray who so ever believe in it. However, who so ever have hope has got some miracle in him/herself.
