Sunday, July 10, 2016

Disappointments are a BID

Do not get disappointed with disappointments.  Did I use the word disappointment.......too many times?  No, no, no I am not disappointed.  That is what I want to emphasize on.  Let me use another word and make it more explicit.  Do not 'despair.' How about this?

Disappointments are not really setbacks.  They may appear so.  But do not get so caught up in the negativity of it.  Cast it as a BID.  Yes B.I.D. which is an abbreviation for blessing in disguise.  As it is said that every cloud has a silver lining, every disappointment has concealed blessings.  Do not just stop at the screen of disappointment, look beyond it.  Somewhere, somehow is a hidden blessing which you will discover eventually if not at once.  

Disappointments comes in various shapes, sizes and colors.  No matter how it may appear, just shove it aside and move on.  Yes, here is a bright idea, the brightest of all.  Disappoint Disappointments.  Show them your strength and your will power to ignore and eschew them.  OMG!  Where did they vanish?

Are you still disappointed? Not any more......right?  That's the spirit I am looking for.  No one disappoints me because I know the BID and do too!

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