Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Day to myself!

The most quality time that I can ever think of, is a 'Day to Myself.'  It is a real treat and today.... it is my DAY.  I am taking everything EASY today.  It is peaceful, calm, stress free and everything that I can dream of.  Once in a while we all need such a day and call it a DAY.  What a Day!.

I plan to do no chores today, no errands, no phone calls.  But yes to coffee, to internet and here I am with you with my blog telling you what a fine day I am having.  

I love spending time with myself, me and my thoughts, my memory, my ideas, my imagination...... my world where no one can invade or is allowed.  

Such a day relaxes me, is luxury to me and the greatest treat of all.  It gives me a break and keeps me from breaking up and collapsing.  It gives me a chance to arrange my thoughts.  It gives me a respite from the boredom of everyday and sails me to the kingdom of my special day.  

No, not today!  Everything has to wait till tomorrow.  So long...............!  

Coffee & Cake : Courtesy of Tarranum  A.


  1. Very true . We need to spoil ourselves.

  2. Very true . We need to spoil ourselves.

  3. Very good!!We need to pamper ourselves once in a while.

  4. Very good!!We need to pamper ourselves once in a while.
