Thursday, May 19, 2016

Changes! Happening constantly.

Changes!  The leaves commonly known as green are undergoing changes right under our very eyes, unnoticed.  We maybe unaware of it but it sure is changing, from green to yellow, sometimes brown, maybe orange etc.

Right now I am in the mood of making a lot of changes.  Changes!  I like changes, otherwise it all seems so monotonous to me.  What motivates me the most is when I rearrange, reorganize, try something new, sometimes I may even change for the sake of change.  Sounds weird, right?  

To me, I feel, if there are no changes, there is no progress.  Life needs some adventure, something to explore, something to discover and learn and hence keep moving.  I mean keep moving forward.  

"I will go anywhere as long as it is forward" - David Livingston. This should be the drive, keep moving forward and in order to march on, we cannot cling to old ways, old ideologies, old thoughts, or even old set up.  

To think of it, changes are taking place all the time, everywhere, whether we realize it or not.  There are changes going on around us as well as inside us.  Sometimes we are not aware of it and at other times, we are aware of it but find difficult to accept it.  No matter what, this whole journey of life is about changes.  

To some of us change is a risk, an unknown fear and hence we feel that we should carry on just the way things are for the rest of our life.  We have no idea what we are depriving ourselves of by rejecting changes.  

Anytime, anything spells and smells 'a change for the better', I would go for it. I am on a continuous drive for improvement.  I would like to see new magnitudes of  advancement and there is no limit to it.  

Why are we so afraid of changes?  It is a risk but it may be worth it.  What is your opinion on changes?  Is it worth a try???


  1. We all love staying in our comfort zone...hence we don't want changes to happen

  2. We all love staying in our comfort zone...hence we don't want changes to happen

  3. I don't like changes,I like to live the way I am.

  4. I don't like changes,I like to live the way I am.
