Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Me, give up? No way!!!!!!

I am going to climb the mountain and make it to the snow-capped peak.  Just Watch!

Never ever GIVE UP!  Even if the whole world calls it off, gives up on you, just carry on........!  Do not give up on yourself.  Keep believing in yourself and keep reminding yourself that things will turn around and you will march proudly to the finish line to hold high the trophy of victory.  "YOU WILL!"

Even when you know that everything is slipping from your hands, even when you realize that everyone has deserted and you are all alone, even when you are in the midst of total darkness, even when the weather turns stormy, 
KEEP CALM.  Hold your head high with pride and shout out to the world that you are going to make it.  

Remember only after failure comes success.  There is no success without failure.  All flower blooms from dust and dirt.  All rainfall are evaporated water.  Everything starts from something and something starts from nothing.

Create your own success story and start with, "I did not give up and here I am today."  

No matter how much you are pressurized or discouraged, turn around and say, "Me, give up? NEVER!"


  1. Yes, I have learnt a very important lesson today from this post.

  2. Yes,indeed it's a very important and meaning ful blog.We learn a lot from this blog.
