Thursday, May 12, 2016

Adopting silence! Shhhhh....!

There comes circumstances in our life when silence is the only option.  All we want to do is be an observer.  We feel it is time to take the back seat, fold our hands and watch the mess right in front of our eyes.  Is that a good idea?

Sometimes it also happens, we not only allow the mess to spread while we watch, we also participate in it 'silently.' We feel helpless and helplessly allow ourselves to suffer.

Keeping silent is not always the best option, though I agree sometimes it may be the 'only' option.  In such a situation, I would walk away, choose to leave the party silently rather than be in the party and be miserable.  

If silence is 'the option,' I would prefer to leave silently rather than stay and suffer silently.  What would you do if I ask you?