Thursday, May 12, 2016

Know yourself BEFORE you judge others.

We like to judge others, we have just fallen into this habit and simply cannot get over it.  We sometimes even judge others for mistakes that we possess identical copy of.  WOW!  Looks like we are going overboard.  

Since we have cultivated this addictive habit of looking for mistakes in others, just mistakes and nothing else, and overlooking their qualities, let us also have a look at ourselves.  How can we condemn others for something that we are also a part of?  

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" - Aristotle

Let us take that first step and know ourselves.  Why not we have a quick look at the mirror and see what our reflection looks like.  May be that will stop us from being too judgmental

Knowing and acknowledging our own weaknesses, follies and limitations can be a solution to many of the issues we face in our daily life. 

Let us listen to Aristotle and take that initial step to WISDOM.  

Be wise ----> Be nice is my suggestion for today.