Friday, May 20, 2016

Setting Priorities

We get so mixed up with setting up priorities. What we should and could have done in the first place, we keep putting it off for some reason or the other till it becomes the last and only option for us.  By that time, we may be too late...we miss the bus or that particular aspect may have lost its value. 

 Also, sometimes we unnecessary go through a series of complications before we eventually happen to think of doing what we should and could have done in the first place.  

That is when we are not very good at setting our priorities or not brave enough to do something in the first place.  We are either held back by our ego, doubts, fear, shyness or just ignorance.  

If we have the courage to take that bold step, we can save a lot of time and wasted effort.  What are we waiting for?  We often find ourselves saying regretfully, "Why did I wait so long? I wish I was brave enough or humble enough.  Alas!"  Let us not live to hear this from our conscience.  

While we are being given so many opportunities, we are folding our hands and sitting tight.  Let us make that move before our legs loses it's movement ability.  

"Make hay while the sun shines."  Nothing is going to remain the same forever.  People come and go, time changes, weather changes, health does not remain the same.  

What are we waiting for and for how long??