Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Everyone will be missed!!

While I browse through the front page of my facebook account, I happen to notice a fb friend of mine sharing dozens of posts of various nature on a daily basis.  I often think to myself, is this all my friend does?  There is no personal post or picture from this friend other than sharing posts.  Sometimes my friend will just be sharing beautiful scenes of nature or beautiful paintings.  WOW!

What came to my mind is this, when my friend will no longer be on fb, we will miss my friend for the dozens of posts we saw everyday.  Linked to this came the thought that different individual will be missed for different things and the bottom line is everyone will be missed, each and everyone of us will be missed.  We may be missed for different reasons but we are sure to be missed, no matter what or how small, vague or weird the reason may be.

Reminds me of the quote I heard in President George W. Bush's acceptance speech, "No one insignificant was ever born."  This is one of my favorite quote for I found it very inspiring and it had a message of equality.  It made me think that each one of us are special and unique, in our own unique way.  

So dear friend, you and me, will be missed by someone, somewhere in some special way.  
Have a special day, for each one of you reading this blog are very special to me because you make me feel special everyday by reading my blog. Till tomorrow............!

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