Friday, May 13, 2016

Hard time is a microscope

Hard time - this is the time we complain a lot, a LOT.  Feel so sorry for ourselves, feel so dejected, unfortunate, depressed and are drowned in all kinds of negativity.  

Talking to someone today, who is a sister and a good friend, we realized that bad times are not bad at all.  Believe me, they are in fact very valuable time, full of important lessons and a time when you see the whole world just the way they are.  

Just like when you put something under microscope, you see more than naked eyes can. You see something and you see right through it.  In other words, you get a much better vision which makes you realize that how blind you were but under the microscope of hardship, you can see things that you thought did not exist or were different.

My question is, how is hardship a bad experience?  I have been through it and I feel great.  I have learnt so much, seen so much, experienced so much which would have been IMPOSSIBLE, if not because of the bad time I went through.  In fact, I feel truly grateful for being placed in such a situation.  

If prosperity weakens us, pampers us, adversity on the other hand gives us so much confidence, strength and wisdom beyond measure.  

To me adversity is a blessing, a gift of wisdom that teaches us the true values of everything and everyone around us.  It drags us out from darkness into illumination.

If you are faced with challenges, do not feel sorry, feel blessed and privileged.

1 comment:

  1. Well said and very true.We always get something to learn from your post.
