Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right !!!

Speaking the truth, doing the right thing, being honest is easy..... but no longer acceptable. Why?  Because no one likes to hear the truth anymore.  All of this comes with a price now.  You are penalized, ridiculed and isolated for being honest and truthful.

This is the order of the day! YES.  Right is proved wrong and wrong is justified as right.  Very confusing and frustrating.  Phew! 

Where there is wrong, there is crowd, applauds, cheers, encouragement etc.  While one drags oneself alone on the right road.  Walking on the right path is difficult, lonely, full of hurdles, rough, endless etc.

We all know that Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong but sadly out of fear of isolation and dejection, we are taking the wrong path.  We are giving in to the wrong over right thinking that which is wrong to be the best and only option.  

Why has it all come to this?  Why can't we proudly and fearlessly be right?  Why are we taking the wrong side, the wrong path and abandoning right?  Why is right not right anymore?  WHY??

Where is our right to be right?  Where is our right to fight?  We have lost the battle and buried the right with the soil of wrong.  

Among the ashes of right are the embers.  Let us keep them glowing and alive.  Let them not die down and vanish.  What one truth can do, thousands of lies will fail.  Let the truth not die.  Save the truth, stand up for honesty.  



  1. So beautifully written...but right is right no matter what.

  2. So beautifully written...but right is right no matter what.
