Saturday, May 7, 2016

Facebook or Cookbook

While I browse through facebook I often get hungry!  So much so, I feel starved. I also get confused.  Is this facebook or cookbook?  All that I see are food and more food.  Yum, Yum!!

It is amazing to see the front page so full of pictures of breakfast, lunch, dinner, meal, snack, beverages etc. that I can almost smell the food.  

There are details, mind you, every single detail about who ate what for breakfast, what and where they are planning to have lunch, and how and what are the plans for dinner.  If someone has had hamburger, there will be pictures of ketchup, mustard, salt and pepper and the drink, not to forget the fancy napkin that was used.

Okay here is the description for a cup of tea......a kettle of water, tea bags, sugar and the kind of milk used.  

Even more interesting!  If the meal was at the fancy restaurant here is what it looks like......a picture at the entrance of the restaurant displaying the name of the restaurant.  WOW!

So detail oriented and so organized.  We want the whole world to know what we eat, how we eat, where we eat and how much we eat.  It gives us so much pleasure and a great sense of achievement, otherwise why would we like to advertise our meal.  

Hence I often wonder, should it be called facebook or cookbook.  


  1. Exactly,this is so true.Sometimes we leave our daily chores and start trying the recipe from Facebook or go out to eat leaving our home made food.
