Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Learn to Live and Live to Learn

I don't know how familiar you are with this expression but I am more familiar with the expression, Eat to live and live to eat.  I think this one sounds better and more tasteful because it is about FOOD.  Anyway, on a more serious topic now, which is about learning and living.

I vision life as a learning process.  Yes, I know it sounds boring.  But not really, if you see the FUN in learning and turn it around and make learning FUN.  

When we start seeing some sort of lessons in our daily life, we adopt it, adapt to it and this is when learning begins.  We are not just closing our eyes and passing through the journey of life where nothing makes any difference to us.  By our mere observation, we are learning, until and unless we are so thick skinned that we just overlook everything.  

What I am trying to say is this, make learning a part of you.  In a situation where you are neither learning or teaching, you are just wasting your precious time and effort.  I would walk away from such an environment for I know I do not belong here.  

Let us do a daily review of, "What have we learnt today?"  Remember teaching is also part of learning because someone is 'learning' from you.  

So what have you learnt today?  Share with us, we want to know!! 


  1. A very intelligent post.Every moment we are learning something,and this continues throughout our lives..
