Saturday, May 14, 2016

Future Worries

Just how worried we should be about the future?   Is anything in our control? My personal opinion is that future takes care of itself.  What we should actually worry about is the consequences of our words and actions in future.  

What we are saying and doing unmindfully today will have repercussion later on.   Bet on it!  There is no escaping it.  How worried are we about it?  We just say anything that comes to our minds and we throw up words that can have all kinds of impacts, but do we care?  That is how much we care about our own future!  

What we just care about is our material prosperity and popularity, and that is all.  How much do we care about our reputation and image?  Our daily activities will shape our future identity, but do we realize this?  Or is this not important to us.  How short-sighted are we!

The future is uncertain, unpredictable and not in our control.  But our words and actions are in our control and will count in our future.  Let us worry about what we can control and start right now by being in full control of our tongues.  It may have to taste it's own words.

The future has its own pile of surprises.  Let us not add to it by misusing our tongues and falling for misguided actions. 


  1. Good,to control our future worries we should check our actions and words.

  2. It's like circle of life ... Everything comes back on us

  3. Good . As we sow ,so shall we reap, stands true today and always.
