Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sneaky Happiness

Today I want to share with you a quote that my sweet nephew shared with me :

"Happiness often sneaks in from a door you didn't know you left open" - John Barrymore.

He really made my day.  Just the words I wanted to hear.  Now this has put me in an amazing mood and I feel so much love and happiness in the air, everywhere.  

Yes we often do not realize what and who can be the source of happiness.  We come across so many people in our life, visit so many places, say so many things and do all sorts of deeds, least realizing what may spark up and bring a glow of happiness.

I learnt a lesson today, an important sweet lesson.  Do good, say good, hear good and think good and open doors, many many doors of happiness for yourself and for others too. You may not remember your words or deeds but it may turn out to be the key to your unexpected happiness.

WOW! I feel new energy and enthusiasm in myself.  Thanks dear nephew, Amby, for sharing this with me.   

I wish you all unexpected happiness and thanks for bringing me joy!!!


  1. Beautifully scripted ...a truth...happiness can come fm an unnoticed open door...which may not be literally a door....however act as a door to smiles n happiness.
    An office colleague of mine ...recently came in a tensed situation and through joke on himself and laughed n made all of us laugh to a lighter moment...
    An unexpected window to happiness...

  2. Very good and interesting,reading your post I'm also feeling happy.
