Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The fault lies in us

Failure to learn a lesson from the environment is not the fault of the environment, the fault lies in us, but.......we blame the environment and call ourselves the victim!

We are sailing amidst a sea of lessons and examples in our daily journey of life and yet we learn nothing.  We are in a way living a life so detached with the surrounding and maybe we pretend to see and hear nothing.  

We move about ignorantly in our day to day life and take no lessons from other people's mistake but patiently wait to make those very mistakes and then repent?  Turning blind and deaf is making us lose our track and causing an irreparable dent in our life.

Blaming the environment for our own mistakes, inability and shortcomings is in itself a defect.  When we fail to learn, we learn to fail.  Instead of overcoming our mistakes we further make mistakes of shelving it on others.

Hey, everyone makes mistakes.  Let us take that first step and learn how not to make mistakes.  Learn from other's mistakes and try not to repeat it.  If someone has put their hand in fire and got burnt, the consequence will not be different for anyone.  We cannot blame the fire for being there.  Can we? 

1 comment:

  1. Very true...one should always learn from others mistake.
