Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Rating MONEY $$$$$ !!!

We all know that money has no value, at least in some ways.  We have heard that it cannot buy you sleep or appetite or happiness etc.  But not so nowadays.  Today life is all about money and nothing else.  It is sad but that is how it is.

While the value of everything else has fallen, the value of money is ever on the rise.  Everything is assessed by money. That is how petty we have become and how low we have fallen.

Respect, love, humanity are all getting sold out for money.  You are admired not because of your attributes but because of your money.  No matter how one behaves, if he has a luxurious house, fancy cars and branded attires he is worthy enough to be bowed down to.  It has all fizzled down to this!!!

We are struggling to live in a world where, "Money talks and dictates." On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the value of money??? 


  1. I would rate it as 9 because there are still very few sensible people existing.

  2. Good post, I enjoyed reading it.

  3. Good post, I enjoyed reading it.
