Sunday, May 1, 2016

What we want to hear?

While everything else is gibberish to us, what do we really want to hear?  An important and interesting question!

What we all want to hear, let me sum it up in just one sentence.  We all want to hear our own opinion in another voice. There!  I said it!
Isn't this what we unanimously want to hear.  We will not compromise for anything less.  "Yes I am always right and I want to hear this from you", is our constant effort.  

Besides this, we want to hear our praises even if it does not apply to us.  We want to hear our importance.  We desperately want to hear that the world would not exist without us. 

But have we ever wondered what others want to hear from us?  No, definitely not.  We just play one-sided game where we deserve all the chances.  We live in a world where it is 'all about me.'

If we cannot hear what is agreeable to us, we do not want to hear anything at all.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes,,we always want people to praise us,which is very insane.Please give us such interesting blogs, I enjoy reading it.
