Saturday, May 14, 2016

In loving memory of my mother,


My memory of my mother is so vast, so fresh. She is ever living in my mind and heart.  My memories of her have been as special to me as she was. This day, May 15th, she left us many years ago but everyday it seems like it was just yesterday.  We still cherish the fond memories that she left behind for us.

I often recollect her special ways and qualities.  She was very creative, very organized, flexible and always on the move to advance her thinking and lifestyle.  I still remember her laughter, peels of laughter, she would often become almost hysterical and it was so contagious that without knowing the cause, we would laugh with her. 

She loved celebrations and no matter how small or simple it was, she made sure that she marked everyone's birthday and anniversaries but never celebrated her own birthday or anniversary.  

Her lifestyle was all about simplicity.  Simple and sophisticated attires, no bright colors or large and attractive prints, very light jewelry and no make-up whatsoever.  In fact, her simplicity was her beauty and her face had a special glow of motherly affection. Always!

She never discriminated and went along well with people from all walks of life.  She accepted and embraced anyone who touched her life.  She was self-less and discouraged us from giving her any gift but encouraged us to give to the needy and underprivileged.  She was a very giving person and I highly admire her for her generosity.  

These are just some of her attributes that I have highlighted.  There is so much more and I feel that I could go on and on.  

My prayers will always be with her and I look forward to meet her one day in heaven.

With Love, Love and more Love for her forever!!


  1. Very touching!!You bought back the old memories.....nostalgic.

  2. Very true nd good words. May Allah place her in jannat e firdous. Ameen.

  3. Very true nd good words. May Allah place her in jannat e firdous. Ameen.
