Saturday, May 14, 2016


This is one good thing I like about life. We have so many directions to turn to.  If something does not work, there are other options, so many options.  Nothing comes to a standstill because of one crooked thing or person.  Life goes on..........!

Sometimes, some of us happen to think that we are indispensable and get so carried away with the thought, 'if not because of me!'  No, no one is irreplaceable.  We should know that there is replacement available easily.  

If we refuse to do anything for anyone, we should not live under this impression that life is over for that person.  No way.  Life is multi direction.  We are stationed on a four way crossing and are blessed with alternates.  Sometimes when someone walks away from our life, they are replaced by better and more people and life proceeds.

Life is not ONE DIRECTION for anyone whether you are at the receiving end or giving end.  So let us not just focus on one direction for there are so many other options to consider.  Anyone who pulls back is to their own loss, makes no difference to anyone.  

Life is multi direction, when one does not work, take another.  


  1. So true...if one option doesn't work we have many more....

  2. So true...if one option doesn't work we have many more....
