Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The have's and have not!

My blog is not about the privileged and the underprivileged.  The have and have not here is about what we have and what we do not have.  

We are often more focused on what we do not have and feel upset and miserable about it.  We are not grateful for what we have but feel deprived about what we do not have. Sometimes blessings comes to us in a different way by NOT having.  

Have we ever felt thankful for being saved from many calamities, injuries, damages, accidents, health issues, loss and theft etc.  Isn't this a blessing too?  Every time we leave our house and come back to the safety of our home is also a blessing.  So let us count in how fortunate we are in 'not having.'

- Diseases
-Domestic problems
-Natural calamities etc.

Do we ever realize and count this as our blessings?  We do feel sorry for not having so many material things, fame, power, beauty but are we not lucky enough for not having so many other things as well?  Have we ever thought about this?  Have we ever been grateful for this?  

When we see others as the victim of such disasters, we just take it for granted and think that those misery was meant for others.  We keep complaining for the good things that did not come to us but what about the bad things that did not come our way?

Are we being ungrateful, short sighted, ignorant, selfish or what?  Let us focus on the things that we could have had, BUT do not have!


  1. Very interesting lesson learned.Thanks for making us realize.

  2. Very interesting lesson learned.Thanks for making us realize.
