Saturday, May 21, 2016

Take that step!

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," is an old Chinese proverb and one of my favorite quotation which I always found very inspiring.  Often when I feel very frustrated and demotivated, I think of this proverb and feel contented with the little progress I make.

To me, life means a forward march.  No matter what obstacle comes in our way, there is always a way out, somehow.  Life is never at a standstill.  We may not see the progress but it is certainly there if our effort is there.

We often give up because we do not get what we want. But if we keep moving and trying we may discover something even better.  Remember we cover a thousand miles because of that single step we took.  Hence every step and every effort counts.  

Sometimes the progress is concealed.  We may not see or feel it but our ceaseless effort will makes us travel that journey of thousand miles and take us to our destination.  

Take that single step and explore what awaits you.  If unknown fear is holding you back, step on it and march ahead.  



  1. Well written,with just a single step keep matching till we reach our destination.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well written..
    Remembering a song...Kadam Kadam baraye jaa..khushi ki geet gaye ja..yahi hai zindagi ka raasta

  4. Well written..
    Remembering a song...Kadam Kadam baraye jaa..khushi ki geet gaye ja..yahi hai zindagi ka raasta

  5. Forward ever backward never. Let all start we shall all reach our destination. Insha Allah
