Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bee the first!

The first one to move forward, that is what I mean. Do not wait for others to take the initiative.  If someone else does not, then it may be left undone forever.  

We often either fear or do not care to make that first move if others don't.  Why can't we be the one to show the way?  Being the first one is itself an honor.  No matter how hard, bad or imperfect it may be but taking that bold step is a great courage.  

Have we ever realized that if someone does not take that first step, first move, first action, things may remain undone forever.  If someone does not speak that first word, it will remain silent and unspoken.  

What are we so afraid of?  Making mistakes?  Don't we know that no one is perfect?  Don't we know that we can only learn by making those silly errors?  There is a word in the dictionary and thesaurus spelled S-O-R-R-Y.  We can always make use of this five letter words and start all over again.  

Sometimes friendship die down, relationship fall apart because no one made that effort to be the first one to apologize and move on.  Because of this regret  piles up and hides us from each other forever.

When we have the time and opportunity, let us not waste it.  If no one else is doing it, be the one.  Take that first step to do the task that may never get done and may cause loss and damage.

Your initiative may be very appreciative.


  1. Very true,we should never be silent but speak up.

  2. Very true,we should never be silent but speak up.
