Thursday, May 5, 2016

Are we reaching OUT?

We want to stay so confined, just me and my family!  It is all about my happiness, my spouse, my children, my house, my car and of course ME.  

That is good to some extent.  Love and care for your family.  But we should not forget that just like the way others need us, we need them too.

Have you heard, "The more, the merrier?" Certainly not, otherwise we would not lead such a confined life where no one matters but my children, my spouse and myself. That's it!

We have to reach out of this boundary.  We got to understand celebration needs more people than family.  We cannot grow flowers and trees inside our house nor can we bring the sky and the ornaments in the sky to our living room. We need to venture out and let in fresh air and sunshine into our house.

Those who think that life is all about me and my family is living a deprived life.  They are shutting out all the good elements of life and surviving in darkness and stale air.

There is a bigger meaning to life such as neighborhood and community and also kith and kin.  They can add to our happiness and take subtract our sorrow and we can do the same for them.

Let us team up and live as one big family and incidentally teach our family to give and share and live and love.


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting!!!!Yes we should team up and learn to live,love and share with each other.
