Sunday, May 1, 2016

Greetings !!

As I just happen to write my 177th post today, I felt a great sense of gratitude and achievement.  I started this blog with no plan of ever publishing or sharing and they were  'drafts' that I thought will remain so 'forever.'  But here I am today, sharing all my posts with you.  Let us just say, 'it happened.'  

These are not just 'posts', at least I won't say so.  They are my deep thoughts, real experiences and true feelings which you may agree with or disagree or may even find it weird or find a link with yourself.  Whatever!

I just find joy in sharing with you because of the response I see.  Anything I do, that makes others happy, is my happiness.  I see it as my achievement and find contentment in it.  

The only reason for my blog so far is to give the message that whatever we may be undergoing, experiencing or feeling, we are all having something in common with each other.  We are sharing so much with each other across the globe.  

This is an attempt to bring together people from different walks of life and different region of the world and to do away with all the differences we are living with.  

The message is : we think alike, we feel alike, we are so alike. Do not ever think that you are alone, there is someone, somewhere undergoing the same experience.  So let us link up and make each other feel better by saying, "We were there too, I know how it feels!!"


  1. Congrats !!! On Completing your hundred episodes.We are looking forward for your more posts.

  2. Congratulations and best wishes.
