Tuesday, May 10, 2016

He who remains undistracted....................!

"He who can listen to music in the midst of noise can achieve great things." - Vikram Sarabhai

Another great and unique quote.  Wow, I am just so pleased to receive ideas from family and friends.  This seems like a very calm, composed and focused person, so unlike me. I cannot endure distractions and when I am doing something I want total peace and quiet.

But, all the same, I admire such individuals who can enjoy music in a noisy place and it does not bother them.  Incredible!  How can they do it!

Or we can put it another way, that no matter what is going on around us, we continue to enjoy life.  We maintain our positive attitude even though surrounded by all kinds of disturbances.  We thrive, and make the most of any condition we happen to be in. 

To me, the second explanation sounds more indicative.  What do you think?  Can you enjoy music amidst loud banging?


  1. Very well scripted...yes it's v difficult to ignore distractions and be oneself...

  2. Very nice...the people with lots of patients can do so....
