Thursday, July 14, 2016

Return of the Devils

Today I got a great idea which kind of amused me and amazed me. Think about it, to what limit can we go.  Sometimes we surpass all limits and we simply have no idea what we are talking about.   Well, actually that is the time there are some traces of honesty in our words and we expose our true selves and true feelings as well.  If you feel mystified,  read along to find out what i am up to.

When dark clouds gather around, when storms hit, when cold winds blow, when you find yourself drowning do you know  what happens next?  Any idea?

That is the exact point in life when we feel abandoned,  isolated,  denied, disappointed,  frustrated,  let down etc.  I wish I had a greater vocabulary to further add to my list of explanatory words.  To  add salt to our wounded state, some so called kind hearted people will also dare to say, that they would be with us when things "get better".  But what about now?  It is NOW that I need you.  You are calling them desperately and beseeching them not to leave you alone.  They do not look back, but vanish...........!

You struggle... you strive... you sweat... you swear... you slog... and somehow you carry on.  A few good souls, (mostly strangers),  stop by and lend you a helping hand...some words of comfort...maybe a shoulder to cry on...and you manage with that, to somehow overcome and free yourself from the shackles of misery from around your ankles.  Eventually you  gathered enough courage to race and run.  Guess who shows up NOW???

Wow, you are smart!  You guessed right. The Return of the Devils.  The very people who vanished from your miserable life are now here, right next to you, to rejoice with you and surprisingly to applaud and say that

You gasp, you try to swallow, you are shocked and you pass out or should I say, almost die of shock.  What?  You believed in me?  The best decision at that time is, let go.  Let these people go who were never part of your sorrow or your life.  

By the way, I apologize for using the word devil but in my great mood I just could not come up with a better word for such people. 

Help has  finally come, when you do not need it.........!