Thursday, July 21, 2016

Message of kindness

Kindness is unconditional, pure, true feelings that originates right from the heart.  Where there is love, there is kindness.  Where there is kindness, there is everything.

My message today is a very kind message.  Do kindness, show kindness and spread kindness all along indiscriminately.   Kindness is not measured by its size but by its depth. A small act of kindness can make a huge difference.  Sometimes it feels that it is making no difference.  Let this feeling not discourage you.  In fact let nothing hold us back from our mission of kindness.  We draw personal satisfaction from our acts of kindness and that is sufficient for us to makes us keep going.  Some differences we are making are invisible but all the same it is there.  Hence, let us keep planting the seeds of kindness.

Our simple acts of kindness is putting a smile on so many faces, brightening up so many eyes, uplifting spirit,  putting people back on their feet.  We are touching people's heart by our wand of kindness and making  them glow with happiness.

Kindness can travel much further than any amount of money can.  There is no medication for happiness, motivation, comfort other than kindness.  The purity of kindness reaches the heart faster than the force of gravity.  Kindness brings us together and keeps us together.

We may not see the outcome of our kindness but it's impact is  certainly there.  When it comes to being kind, give it your best.  We need a whole lot of kindness to brighten up those disappointed eyes, darkened lives and dwindling hopes.  Keep walking on the path of kindness, we have millions of hearts to reach!