Friday, July 15, 2016

Move on........and keep moving.

Life is an onward....ongoing journey.  So, keep moving.  Do not let anyone or anything come in your way or hold you back.  There is a lot to do and a lot to achieve.   There are big tasks and we have no time to wait, watch and waste.

Life is a forward march.  No matter what or how little your pace is but keep moving.  Even if there is no movement forward, just do not revert.  It is better to stop and ponder than to move backward and dwell in the shadows of the past.

Life is an ongoing process.  Any decision you have made , just stand by it.  Do not falter, because you have chances to alter and improve.  No matter what comes your way, face it .  Let not fear and doubt hold you back or make you slack.

Life is time, and time moves forward.  The clock of time does not function backward.  It tick tocks and moves with leaps and bounds.  We have no time to stop and stare.  We got to keep pace with all that comes our way, be it opportunity or disaster.  We need to tackle them both.

"Time and tide waits for none", so let us make the most of life while we are hurriedly passing by on our one way through the journey of life.