Friday, July 15, 2016

Advice in Abundance

Who says nothing in the world is free?  Have you ever done the mistake of trying to seek help?  You will be drowned by unwanted, unasked-for advices.  Tons of it.  Yes exactly, you asked for help, right?  But  landed up getting an armful of meaningless advice. 
I happened to discuss a couple of personal issues with my friend, aka my well wisher.  She generously showered me with advice.  She told me what to do and what not to do, which I was already doing and then she further took the opportunity to tell me of her own miserable past which made me more depressed.  I thought to myself, wasn't she suppose to Help?  Is this called help?

This new kind of help is such, when a hungry man comes for help, all the help he gets is advice which basically tells him that he needs to look for food.  But doesn't he already know that and isn't that what he is doing?  Gosh!

While we are quick enough to tell others what to do, let us also realize what "we" need to do.  People seek help when things are out of control and they need aid.  They are doing their best already.  Now when you have been approached, it is your turn to do your part.  You either do it or acknowledge your inability.   Do not cover your inability by spraying bullets of repetitive, unhelpful advice.  You cannot help, you do not want to help and you seek refuge in your generosity of advice, hence making the person more miserable?

 How is that helpful?

When help is needed, give help not advice.  Let us keep this precious and invaluable and expert advice for ourselves and see if it works.  Good luck with that!