Sunday, July 24, 2016

Know each other (first)

Give people a chance to know you and give yourself time to know people.  We often form opinions about people without knowing them and get upset with people for criticizing us.  Both situations need a little work.    

I don't know where and how to start in dealing with this common and everyday conflict.  This is a tug of war in which we just jump to conclusions without analyzing or  trying to empathize with one another. As a result, we usually get disappointed or even depressed when we are misunderstood.  

Let us take one situation at a time and start with trying not to be judgemental.   How little we may know about a person usually seems enough to us to form labels or opinions about them.  This to me is sheer injustice.  Would we want to be handled in this way?  Absolutely not!  We should take time to know the person before penalizing or praising them. We should neither get too carried away with a person to encourage them in a wrong way nor be biased and treat them unjustly.    

Similarly, people judge us without knowing us.  Take it easy.  Once they will get to know us, they might change their opinions. Hence, give them time and also a fat chance to know you.

Hasty decisions about a person's character can be very damaging in either way.  Reserve your judgements and be more observant.  Do not state your opinions as fact.  Every one deserves justice and a better chance.

Opinions count as long as they are fair and honest.  If there are doubts, withdraw your opinions in silence before you assassinate  a character recklessly.  

Knowing each other is far more important than ignorantly labeling people out of impulse.  Let us get to know each other........................ first!


  1. Here i agree with you.In islam this is called gheebat n labled as a sin. Even after knowing each other we have no right to lable anyonerather pray that Allah show them the right path.

  2. As human, our opinion on each other is always base on our "first impression". Therefore, we all should always strive to know more about each other before formulating our opinion. Yes of cause.
